Terugblik seminar 'Opgavegericht en agile werken bij gemeenten'

An inspiring best practice seminar

On Thursday 28 November, Fortes, Promista and Phaos jointly organized a seminar for municipalities on purpose-oriented and agile working. With sessions by Phaos, the municipality of Tilburg and Fortes and Promista, this was a successful and inspiring afternoon. It became an interactive program, with many interesting questions, practical examples and discussion points.

Upon popular request, we share the presentation slides of all sessions. These may of course be reused for your own purposes.

  • Download here the presentation slides of Finus de Broekert from Phaos. He talked about the essence of goal-oriented and agile working and showed how you can successfully connect these concepts.

  • Download herethe presentation slides by Eline Kooijman from the municipality of Tilburg. She gave a session on agile working in practice. She shared her insights on the basis of experiences at the municipality of Tilburg and beyond.

  • Download here the presentation slides by Sander Nijenhuis from Fortes and Henk Daniël from Promista. They spoke together about the strategic management of agile teams with hybrid portfolios. A link was also made with the Fortes Change Cloud tool on the basis of a short demo.

Would you like more information?

Would you like to know more about Fortes Change Cloud, setting up PMO or creating project-based? please contact us for a demo or introductory workshop by one of our advisers.

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